Voice of Women in Northern Province submitted petitions to Australian HC, British HC, Canadian HC, New Zealand HC, German Embassy, South African HC and Swisterland Embassy and European Union on Resettlement, Security and Livelihood issues. The action research conducted by Sri Vimukthi Fisher Women‘s Organization in collaboration with NAFSO Sri Lanka which was facilitated by Asia Pacific Women Law and Development through the #Peace #FPAR process, drafted the petition and submitted to the diplomatic mission which attended senior most persons in NZ HC, France Embassy, Canadian embassy, and senior political officers of the embassies.
Kathirawelu Rita, the spokesperson of the VWNP said, “We are successful this mission on many ways. We met all targeted embassies and were able to voice out our grievances with high commissoners, ambassadors and senior officials and received positive responses. I felt, the foreign missions and officials are open to hear our voices than our own country officials. We are happy of this opportunity and beyond our expectations.”
Suba Shini the Young Researcher of #Peace #FPAR process said, “We are happy as the voiceless Women articulated our grievances and drew attention of the Diplomats to attend to address the issues. We expect to continue the dialogue further”.