Illegal fishing practices. NAFSO, Supreme court case

The Supreme Court postponed an illegal fishing case…

A court case which was filled by southern fishermen in Supreme Court – Colombo regarding illegal fishing practices postponed until 5th of May 2009 today.

This case examined by 3 Supreme Court judges and postponed to above date after inquiring prevailed fact and figures.

This is a big struggle of fishers who have been fighting for a long time, holding discussions with fisheries ministers and other responsible authorities, launching protest, providing people’s petitions and launching hunger campaigns to take this issue up because the destruction of this illegal fishing (dynamites, Light coarse, an including other banned fishing nets ) is very high.

As a fisher’s people’s movement, NAFSO is helping fisher folks to take this issue up and continue this process in to Supreme Court.

10 fisher people representing from ground level fishing communities as well as National Convener, Admin Secretary, Policy and Lobbying coordinator of NAFSO attended to this work toady.

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