Eleven houses for Galle tsunami affected fishers
An opening ceremony of NAFSO new housing scheme was took place today in Galle district giving 11 quality houses for the fishers who lost their houses from the tsunami.
This housing scheme was funded by National Fisheries Solidarity together with French NGO Pêche et Développement organization and the monitoring process of this housing project conducted by NAFSO’s Galle district partner organization SFO – Galle with beneficiaries of new houses.
H.S. Raja, social welfare officer for the Provincial Secretariat in southern Hikkaduwa, and some other government agents, National convener of NAFSO Mr. Herman Kumara had been invited there as distinguished guests.
H.S. Raja, social welfare officer for the Provincial Secretariat in southern Hikkaduwa, praised the work by the two organizations for the “quality of the buildings compared to others built under post-tsunami plans in the area.”
“Although they are not many, the quality of the material and methods used (would-be owners built the homes themselves under the supervision of the Southern Fisheries Organization) must be praised and serve as an example,” he added.
The 11 lucky families expressed great joy that they could finally sleep under a safe roof with proper sanitation facilities.
“At least now we can sleep peacefully because we know our house is in a good condition. No more fear or complaints that the roof will fly off when the wind comes, or that walls will crack and doors and windows break,” Allen Marambage, a 55-year-old mother, told.
For H.G. Piyawathi, a 47-year-old widow, “this is the most beautiful house that I have ever had. We are very poor but now we can live with peace of mind thanks to those who made these homes possible.”
“ We could build these houses for the fishers who lost their houses according to their supervision and since today all you can live in this new village very friendly and helping each other” NAFSO convener Herman Kumara expressed there addressing the crowd in his last speech.