Galle fishers, NAFSO, Peoples Fisheries Commision, SFO Galle, Sri Lankan fishers, Tsunami

NAFSO distributed 12 Beach seine nets among fishers joining with SFO Galle

NAFSO distributed Beach seine nets and Madel paru among 12 Madel padu owners and 225 fish workers at Wathuregama , Balapitiya today joining with SFO- Galle. These people were selected as a result of NAFSO people’s commission conducted last year.
Southern Fisheries Organization Galle (SFO) distributes Beach Science nets and Madel paru among 12 Madel padu owners and 225 fish workers at Wathuregama , Balapitiya today. These people were selected as a result of NAFSO people’s commission conducted last year.
Few decades ago the Beach seine fishing industry had been conducted very successfully as a traditional fishing method in Sri Lankan fisheries industry and it was a very fruitful fishing system, which helped our fishers for fishing without any defects even their economy and our traditional fishers, had bee fishing with this in the particular coastal zones in Sri Lanka.
Although a large number of fishers could fertilize their lives through this industry, in the present situation the beach seine industry is being depleted as an unyielding method because of the prevailing destructive fishing methods such as dynamite fishing, course fishing, trawl nets fishing etc.
Not only that but also the tsunami disaster severely destroyed millions worth of fishing nets and crafts in this industry in the coastal belt, in which beach seine fishery had been operated very successfully.
With all these phenomena the fishers, who depended on this industry had to face many difficulties when they lost their fishing equipments therefore National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO) and its partner organizations decided to help to these fishers for developing their collapsed livelihoods as well as fishing industry according to the tsunami rehabilitation programme and the Peoples Fisheries Commission conducted last year for gathering information from the fishing communities to support them in many ways.
In addition to that we launched a series of tsunami rehabilitation programs for developing this fisheries industry joining with our districts partner organizations.
As a result of the Peoples Fisheries Commission, which conducted last year with the help of National and international commissioners NAFSO decided to distribute 12 Beach seine nets among 12 fishers (Madel padu owners) and about 250 fish workers at Wathuregama, Balapitiya, which is located in Galle district. These people were selected acoording to the report of Peoples Fisheries Commission and value of one Beach Sea net is at least Rs. 800,000 according to the Alternative Economic Development (AED) officer Mr. Pradeep Wanigasooriya.
NAFSO convener Mr. Herman Kumara, AED officer Mr. Pradeep Wanigasooriya, SFO coordinator Mr. Gnanadasa participated on this occasion for distributing nets today.

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