Careers at NAFSO





“A Just and Prosperous Society” where resources and their benefits are distributed equally and where justice and peace prevail for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, and gender.


To ensure equitable sharing of natural resources through empowering small scale food producers, towards sustainable fisheries, food sovereignty and national integration and by strengthening People’s Social Movement in Sri Lanka.

    • NAFSO is a membership-based organization. It works with a deep commitment to the well-being of the country. Hence, it intends to have the formation of a citizenry with similar concern and commitment too.
    • NAFSO intends to engage in searching through deep dialogues and action, for a development model, which is an appropriate to the country, the people and the environment.
    • All our decisions and actions shall be without selfish motive and for the well being of our members and the general public in the country. The various partner organizations of NAFSO shall work for a common policy, which is aimed at the common good and will do what they preach.
    • Our decision-making shall be based on consensus building among the participants. However, the discussions, debates shall be aimed at the best decisions for the common good of the people and not with selfish motives.
    • We shall continuously question and criticize the current development, which is not in favor of the majority poor and environmentally destructive. But, we shall not limit to criticism alone and shall engage in searching for an alternative development model, which is beneficial for all of the people and to the environment.
    • We shall agree to the most appropriate most progressive decisions and actions, when it comes to the progress of the country and its well-being.
    • The partner organizations of NAFSO can have their own individual ideologies and stand for them. However, once there is a consensus among all the individual organizations should follow what was agreed, irrespective of the individual ideologies.
    • We trust that development is people’s business. Hence, we promote people’s creative actions for their own development.
    • The partner organizations of NAFSO shall respect the above agreements and abide by them. If an organization violates any of the above agreements, then it shall be expelled from the NAFSO network.
    1. To secure the realization of a national policy for sustainable fisheries and land rights that is grounded on human rights.
    2. To form and capacitate a national fishers’ movement for their voice and participation in their own development and that of other vulnerable sectors.
    3. To integrate gender justice, climate justice, transitional justice, peace and ethnic harmony in its strategies and programs.
    4. To support alliance- and other movement-building locally and globally in the interest of securing human rights.
    1. To build up fisher communities through animation and community development
    2. To ensure the conservation and appropriate use of the national water bodies, which include fresh water, brackish water and marine water and adjacent lands
    3. To actively engage in any policy matters which are related to life and livelihoods of the fishing communities in the country
    4. To ensure women’s social, economic and political participation in the development and to further strengthen their contribution and role in the fisher family
    5. To build up the fisher people’s leadership while firming up the capacities of the fisher communities and contributing deep social transformation
    6. To ensure the important contribution of fisheries to national economy while establishing food sovereignty in the country
    7. To find ways to strengthen fisher communities’ economy through search for alternatives of appropriate use of the available fishing resources
    8. To conduct education programs, undertake research and surveys, publish books and other relevant information materials, which are aimed at better knowledge and practices on Sustainable Fisheries in the country
    9. To launch effective communication and knowledge sharing activities in order to initiate and strengthen the discussion on sustainable development of fisheries in the country
    10. To link with like-minded organizations, which are in line with the ideologies of NAFSO and strengthen people base through networking and collective actions
    11. To actively contribute to the well-being and development of the country while connecting with the working class of the country
    12. To establish funds for use of fisher people’s well being and development while connecting with local and foreign funding agencies and building local fund base within the movement
    13. To build people’s base through formation of village level groups, regional committees and CBOs, as the members of NAFSO.
    14. To work together with organizations which are working against destructive war and promoting peace
    15. To search relevant information, both national and international level, and disseminate them appropriately when and where necessary
    16. To link with national and global social movements and to take actions which are appropriate and relevant to liberate poor and marginalized communities in the country
    17. To search strategies to orientate and actively engage the fisher communities towards an alternative and holistic development
    18. To work with the private sector, Academia, research institutions and interested stakeholders who are supportive of the ideologies of NAFSO
    19. To work harmoniously with the Secretariat, and co-district level activists and regional bodies and with one another as the membership of NAFSO
    20. To find ways to raise funds for activities supporting the fisher people’s movement and for procurement of goods, lands or property for its operations

In the effort to realize inclusivity and people’s participation, the following structures and mechanisms shall be organized and practiced, respectively:

    1. Annual General Meeting [AGM]
    2. Board of Directors
    3. National Fisher People’s Unity
    4. Management Committee
    5. Secretariat of NAFSO
    6. Steering Committee
    7. Regional Committees
    8. Finance Committee
    9. Board of Trustees
    10. Advisory Board
  • Annual General Meeting [AGM]

Whilst the AGM meets the legal requirements of the organization it is also an important event in terms of the accountability of the organization and an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the organization and the people involved.

    1. The AGM shall be held on the day following the 21st of November which is World Fisheries Day or as decided by the Steering Committee appropriately but not to exceed fifteen [15] months from the last one.
    2. The Management Committee and staff shall be involved in the preparations for the AGM.
    3. An annual report must be prepared with the following reports to be included:
    • Convener’s Message/ Board Message
    • Overall secretariat report
    • Partner organization’s report
    • Highlights of achievements in both organizational development and service delivery over the past year
    • Auditor’s report
    1. Notice of not less than 14 days prior to the AGM shall be given to all members of the organization. This shall be in written form, including an agenda for the meeting, and posted to all representatives to the AGM, members of the Board of directors, Advisory board members and other key organizations and individuals in the movement.
    2. NAFSO partner organizations shall prepare their respective annual reports one month prior to the AGM and submit to the Secretariat’s Admin Secretary.
    3. The written documents of partner organization shall be translated into Sinhala and Tamil languages and shared among all the partners prior to the AGM.
    4. If a special resolution, amendment or any decision is to be proposed, this shall be detailed in the notice to members, one month prior to the AGM.
    5. All documents relating to the partner Organization shall be handed over from the outgoing Committee to the newly elected Committee.
    6. The Admin Secretary shall attend the AGM and ensure that minutes are taken properly, approved and signed by the Board of Directors, and circulated promptly.
    7. The Admin Secretary shall ensure that the necessary reports are prepared as scheduled and approvals are obtained in a timely manner.
    • Roles and functions of the AGM
    1. The AGM represents the selected members of the regional committees. Each regional committee shall be eligible to nominate a 5 member-delegation to the AGM. Each member in the regional committee shall be entitled to be elected for two [2] consecutive years and shall allow new members to be elected, in turn, after his/her term to the AGM.
    2. The Secretariat’s National Convener, Admin Secretary and Accountant are, also, members of the AGM.
    3. The AGM shall meet once a year and elect the three-member board of chairpersons based on the following basis: There should be gender parity [men and women], geographical distribution [North/East, South, Inland] organizational distribution [No two posts elected from the same organization], ethnic distribution [Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim], Language distribution [Sinhala/Tamil].
    4. The AGM shall elect the Board of Directors who shall be among the following persons and based on the criteria below:
      1. A representative from the Board of Trustees
      2. A representative of coordinators body
      3. Representatives from NFPU
      4. A representative from the Advisory Board

It shall be firmly established that none of the nominees have any conflict of interest with NAFSO’s principles, objectives and programs emanating from their own personal or organizational alliances. Otherwise, they cannot be qualified, if they are nominees, or they can be removed, if they are current members already. Members of the BOD are expected to be committed to achieve the objectives of the organization/ movement, and shall not compete with the goals, progress and objectives of NAFSO with his/ her own organization and or personal work.

    1. The Board of Directors shall function for a period of one year. Each board member, except the incumbent National Convener, shall be elected for at most two consecutive years only.
    2. The AGM shall elect the National Fisher People’s Unity, which shall function for a one-year period.
    3. All the elections, if there is any, shall be facilitated by the National Convener with the assistance of the Secretariat staff.
    4. All the policy decisions and necessary program activities shall be presented in the AGM and approved with the simple majority of the AGM or fifty percent plus one.
    5. Only the registered members of the AGM shall be qualified to participate in the voting process including the actual voting.
    6. The National Convener shall call for a special AGM, such as for any urgent constitutional amendment or policy changes needed, once the 1/3 of members request in writing. The National Convener shall call for an Extra Ordinary AGM for any urgent matter that arises.
    7. The National Convener shall present an Accomplishment Report of the Board of Directors to the AGM.
    8. The Annual Progress Report of NAFSO and the Audit Report [or financial report] of the previous year shall be presented by the Admin Secretary and the Accountant, respectively.
    • The Responsibilities of the AGM
    1. Set the policy framework of the fishers’ movement of NAFSO
    2. Assess and review the NAFSO long-term goals and short-term goals based on a thorough situational analysis
    3. Elect all necessary committees and management bodies as stated herein
    4. Take decisions with consensus building or with simple majority,
    5. Expel members who violate the principles and provisions as stated herein, after due process
  • Board of Directors [BoD]

The Board of Directors is the highest decision making body in between two AGM.

    • The Board of Directors shall be responsible to the AGM for execution of the AGM decisions and overall management of the partner organizations and oversight of NAFSO operations.
    • The number of members shall be six [6] and the composition is as follows:
    • The incumbent National Convener;
    • A member from the Board of Trustees;
    • A member from the field Coordinators;
    • One female and one male member NFPU,
    • An Advisory Board member;
      • No member of the BoD shall re-elected for 2 continuous years.
      • The Chairperson of the BoD shall be selected at the immediately succeeding BoD meeting and shall chair the sessions from thereon for the duration of one year.
      • The Management Committee, Steering Committee and the Finance Committee shall be accountable to the BoD for decisions and actions taken at their respective committees. The BoD shall review and/or amend the decisions taken at above committees and provide additional guidance when necessary for the success of the objectives and programs. For this purpose, the National Convener shall attend those meetings or the committees representing BoD accordingly.
      • Roles and Responsibilities and Meetings of the Board of Directors
        1. The BoD shall be responsible for drafting the one-year action plan for the execution of the applicable AGM resolutions and decisions. It shall ensure, likewise, that the plan shall be strictly monitored and evaluated at the end of the applicable year and that resources, both financial and non-financial, shall be assured and utilized properly for effective and timely execution.
        2. The BoD shall ensure that the partner organizations diligently prepare their own annual and monthly action and financial plans based on AGM agreements and the BoD resolutions. The BoD shall formally communicate this duty in due time through the SC and NPFU. In line with this, the BoD shall prepare the necessary guidelines.
        3. The BoD can be called upon by the AGM to undertake the rightful processes to review a violating partner organization, investigate any other complaints on a partner organization and recommend action accordingly.
        4. The BoD shall ensure that the three-year strategic plan and annual plans of NAFSO shall be executed diligently, effectively and efficiently. It shall monitor the plans and provide recommendations should there be any delays.
        5. The BoD shall call for a consultation process, discuss and decide on critical but unforeseen concerns not falling under the guidance of any existing policy resolution of the AGM, of the Constitution or of the Financial and Admin and HRM manuals of NAFSO. Should a concern pose a conflict of interest to any Board member, said member shall not be allowed to take part in the discussions, deliberations and voting or deciding.
        6. The meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held quarterly so that critical concerns needing BoD action are promptly taken up. The Admin Secretary of NAFSO may be selected as secretary to the BoD for the recording purposes but shall not have any voting power or any influence to the decision making process of the board.
        7. The quorum of the BoD for the meeting shall be 4/6 members. Maximum effort shall be made to ensure complete attendance without sacrifice to timeliness of actions.
        8. The service of a BoD member is voluntary in nature. However, once a consultancy is necessary where a BoD is the most qualified from among the choices and the ToR would require major time and over and above his/her paid services in NAFSO, as the case may be, then, said member shall be entitled to receive a corresponding honorarium. Nevertheless, the nature of the ToR must not interfere with the duties and responsibilities as BoD member and shall not be in conflict with an issue requiring Board decision or representation.
        9. The Chairperson is responsible to convene the BoD quarterly meeting and approve the proposed agenda prepared by the National Convener. The following shall be prepared as Meeting Kit: (1) Minutes of the Previous Meeting, (2) Updates on decisions made in the previous meeting, (3) Discussion paper, when required by the Chairperson and/or as deemed necessary by the National Convener, on any concern in the proposed agenda, (4) ManCom reports, [5] Program and Financial Status Reports, [6[Steering Committee reports and [7] other materials helpful for the discussions or decision-making. The Admin Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring the preparation and completeness of the Meeting Kit. After review and approval of the final Kit by the National Convener, the Admin Secretary distributes copies to the Board at least three (3) days before the meeting to give ample time for each member to read and make notes accordingly.
        10. Proceedings of the BoD meetings shall be properly documented and the Highlights of the Meeting shall be promptly prepared by the Admin Secretary, or the assigned recording secretary, and signed and approved by the Chairperson. The signed and approved Highlights of the Meeting shall be distributed to the BoD members within ten [10] working days from the meeting. The National Convener shall be the caretaker of all BoD minutes of meetings and other documents and take charge of the distribution of the Highlights.
        11. The Convener can approach the Board to seek their expertise or to get their services, when and where necessary.
      • Resignation/Termination of a member of BoD
    1. Any Board member may resign from the BoD and submit a corresponding letter addressed to the Chairperson of the Board.
    2. The BoD shall continue to function and its resolutions shall remain legal and binding even in such a situation, until the election of a new BoD can be made in the immediately succeeding AGM.
    3. Any Board member found violating the principles and policies of NAFSO, deliberately hindering the progress of the organizations or acting against the interest of NAFSO shall be expelled from the Board. A recommendation for this shall be made in writing by a complainant and submitted to the Board. A due process shall be followed to execute this.
  • National Fisher People’s Unity [NFPU]
    • The National Fisher People’s Unity is the representative body of the elected embers of the regional committees. Each regional committee shall select two members, one man and one woman, to the NFPU, on consensus basis but guided by a set of criteria which are:
    1. The members contributed extraordinarily to fisheries sector, provided leadership to build fisheries sector
    2. Must have been a member of NAFSO for at least two years
    3. Must have undergone the basic membership and leadership formation

However, should there be more persons nominated there shall be an election held with the facilitation of the coordinator of such organization.

    • No one selected to the NFPU shall sit for more than a 2 consecutive years. No one shall be re-elected for the third year.
    • half of the membership of the NFPU shall be composed of second-line or new leaders. Gender parity shall also be followed.
    • The NFPU shall meet quarterly and the Secretary of the NFPU shall properly and timely document its proceedings. The minutes of the meetings shall be signed approved by the chairpersons of the NFPU.
    • Selection of representatives to any event requiring NFPU representation shall be done through the consultation during the NFPU quarterly meeting. If there is any urgent nomination to be done in-between two NFPU meetings, the National Convener shall take responsibility to select the most appropriate person among the 3 chairpersons and the secretary of the NFPU to nominate for the specific event.
    • Concerning, gender, language, geography, and ethnicity, there are 3 chairpersons who shall be selected to the NFPU, for one year term. Also, the secretary shall be elected at the AGM and preferably, a person who can handle both Sinhala and Tamil languages.
    • Roles and responsibilities of NFPU
      The NFPU shall be the official representative of NAFSO in national and international campaigns, conferences, for a or consultations and shall be the official spokespersons. As such, NFPU shall be expected to:
    1. Provide the necessary leadership to build the NAFSO movement representing the best interest of the members as the elected body from the members.
    2. Propose necessary programs and actions to build a vibrant fisheries movement in the country during invited events or through its own campaigns
    3. Immediately issue official statements for the media and public and mobilize its members on urgent and relevant social, political, economic issues faced by or confronting fisher communities
    4. Attend events or invitations to share experiences and struggles of their respective fisher-members
  • Management Committee [ManCom]
    • The ManCom serves both the interests of NAFSO as a movement and as an NGO. It shall be composed of the National Convener [head of the committee], the Admin Secretary, Accountant, one Representative of the District Coordinators, and one member of the movement, the latter two selected based on the AGM. Gender parity shall be ensured. Criteria for the selection of the representatives from the Coordinators and the movement shall be:
    1. Rotational basis;
    2. Preferably bilingual
    3. Has served as coordinator for at least 5 years
      • The ManCom shall meet once a month to discuss and deliberate on any program implementation concerns of the movement based on the one-year plan prepared and approved by the BoD. The National Convener shall prepare the agenda while the Admin Secretary shall inform the persons concerned for any document that they need to prepare ahead for the discussions. Recommendations of the ManCom needing BoD approval shall be forwarded accordingly.
      • Actions pertaining to NGO daily management need not be approved by the BoD but the National Convener shall ensure that these are properly endorsed or undertaken by the concerned persons.
      • All meetings are documented and a Report of the Highlights of the Meeting is prepared by the Admin Secretary and Accountant alternately, within seven working days from the date of meeting, and approved by the Convener, should there be no revisions required. All the decisions approved by the BoD are communicated to the concerned staff or leader. The Admin Secretary shall track and monitor the implementation of the decisions taken at the committee and approvals of the BoD.
      • The ManCom shall meet once a month to discuss and deliberate on any program implementation concerns of the movement based on the one-year plan prepared and approved by the BoD. The National Convener shall prepare the agenda while the Admin Secretary shall inform the persons concerned for any document that they need to prepare ahead for the discussions. Recommendations of the ManCom needing BoD approval shall be forwarded accordingly.
    • The Secretary
      • The Secretariat is the coordination body for the village, district, regional, provincial national and global level groups, movements and partner organizations which are working in line with the NAFSO objectives, policies and programs.
      • The Secretariat shall be headed by the National Convener who shall be aided by a support professional and competent staff to directly implement activities in line with the one-year action plan of the AGM as approved by the BoD and in line with the organizational plan of NAFSO as an NGO supporting the fishers’ movement.
    • Role and Responsibilities of the National Convener
      1. The National Convener shall be selected and appointed by the Board of Trustees.
      2. He/she shall manage the day-to-day operations of the Secretariat, ensuring the availability and complementation of resources – human, financial, logistical – for the achievement of the organizational and project objectives and overall success of the movement.
      3. To perform the above responsibilities, the National Convener shall undertake linking and networking at all possible levels and resource mobilization while ensuring realization of NAFSO’s principles, its respectable reputation and the recognition of its professional work.
      4. The National Convener shall be guided by the NAFSO administrative and human resource management & finance manuals and the Gender Policy of NAFSO to meet the above requirements.
  • Steering Committee [SC]
    • The Steering Committee shall consist of the coordinators of the partner organizations, the National Convener and the Admin Secretary. The Coordinators are paid field staff who assist the Secretariat in executing planned field activities and guiding and communicating with the partner organizations.
    • The SC shall meet every first Thursday of the month and shall be called for by the National Convener. In the absence of the Convener, the Admin Secretary shall take charge of calling for the meeting.
    • The Admin Secretary shall, also, be responsible for safe keeping and completeness of the records of the SC, including the preparation of the Highlights of the Meetings and dissemination after signed approval of the Convener. The BoD shall be provided copies of the Highlights in due time.
    • All the decisions shall be made on consensus basis and shall be followed-up through the partner organizations and the regional committees. Unsettled concerns shall be consulted with the BoD.
    • Roles and Responsibilities of Steering Committee
  1. Evaluate monthly activities of the movement and plan for the next month program of activities, keeping in mind the one-year action plan prepared by the BoD.
  2. Take charge of building up the membership of the movement by identifying potential recruits and leaders or activists, in consultation with the regional committees, and educating them accordingly.
  3. Lead the mobilization of the members and leaders of the partner organizations for campaigns and other activities
  4. Ensure the compliance of the partner organizations to the Constitution and other agreements made by the NFPU, the BoD and the AGM.
  5. Guide the Finance Committee in its work.
  6. Monitor the organizational performance of the leaders, members and partner organizations and provide prompt guidance when necessary.
  7. Maintain regular communication with the Advisory Board in behalf of the partner organizations and disseminate any information as necessary and in due time.
  8. Update the partner organizations on a regular basis on current trends and news relating to the fishers’ issues and relevant concerns to the movement.
  9. Closely work with the Convener and assist him/her to implement the activities of NAFSO smoothly.
  • Regional Committees

The Regional Committee is the people’s representative body of fishers and, also, farmers in the district level. Each partner organization shall organize a regional committee as the district level decision-making body among their membership. The regional committee shall meet every month, on a date of their convenience and with greatest confirmed participation but not too late as to delay important decisions.

    • The Regional Committees shall be a mechanism to facilitate and maximize participation and decision-making of the fisher members of the partner organizations in each district as well as communication among them. Each regional committee is composed of village level groups that are affiliated with the respective partner district organization of NAFSO. The Committee shall be guided and generally overseen by a Coordinator.
    • The Regional Committees shall be responsible for selecting the five [5] delegates to the AGM as well as two [2] representatives to the NFPU, based on a set criteria decided upon by the village level members, such as:
    1. Experienced fisheries leaders in the regional committee,
    2. Knowledgeable of the procedures and practices of NAFSO which would be facilitated the work of NFPU,
    3. Able to represent and articulate the concerns, issues of the region,
    4. Able to influence and able to decide at the national level for collective actions of the NFPU,
    5. Need to represent a village level group, hence, need to be a member of NAFSO.
      • The Regional Committee of each partner organization shall meet once a month, with the attendance of the respective Coordinator. The general agenda shall be on membership monitoring including the struggles of the members, program/project implementation and monitoring, emerging policy concerns, and communication and planning for any event or activity.
      • Any issue or concern that emerged or discussed shall be taken up by the coordinators to the monthly Steering Committee meeting while the members shall bring those issues to the NFPU on the earliest quarterly meeting and annually at the AGM, should the members feel the concern needs more attention.
      • Other Regional Committee governance issues may be referred to the BoD for resolution should the NFPU be divided in the decisions or should there be any conflict of interest with the NFPU.
    • Finance Committee
      • The Finance Committee shall be composed of elected representatives from each regional committee or partner organization. It shall be headed and convened by the Secretariat’s Finance Officer.
      • Roles and Responsibilities
      • Assigned project funds which are allocated to the partner organizations as planned in the annual programs or the action plans prepared by the organization.
        1. Ensure that the partner organizations do and sustain the practice of diligent preparation and prompt submission of annual and monthly action and financial plans based on a thorough assessment of their previous activities and, correspondingly, the monthly and annual accomplishment and budget/financial utilization/account reports duly supported with required documents. All submissions shall be officially transmitted to the National Convener, who shall forward them to the Accountant after proper notation.
        2. Guide the different finance representatives of the partner organizations in their preparation of financial plans and compliance with guidelines in support of the BoD directions.
        3. Review the budget/financial proposals vis-à-vis the action plans submitted by the each partner organization and allocate funds according to the budget line items in the various proposals.
        4. Ensure the prompt and proper disbursement of said allocated funds guided by the financial guidelines of NAFSO and of the relevant funding partner and thoroughly following audit procedures.
        5. Assess the accuracy and veracity of the accounts of the partner organizations and recommend disciplinary or legal action if there is any discrepancy, dishonesty or misappropriation of funds discovered after monitoring and audit.
        6. Strategize fund raising for the partner organizations’ financial self-reliance.
        7. Report the financial matters to the Board of Directors and get the necessary guidance and instructions
        8. Execute or implement any finance-related resolution that emerges from the BoD meetings.
        9. Provide assistance to the Accountant when needed for the preparation for audit and reporting to the BoD.
          • Meetings of Finance Committee
        10. The Finance Committee shall meet at appropriate time intervals but shall be at least every other month, based on the requirements of funds allocations of NAFSO. If the funds are allocated to all the partner organizations for some common work plan, NAFSO need to take collective decisions on annual program funds allocated to some activities. Once, any of the program has allocated some funds to all the partners to carry out their work. In such instance, we need some common understanding to allocate funds evenly.
        11. The meetings shall be the primary venue for coaching the partner organization on finance matters especially on proper disbursements and documentation, reporting and safeguarding of funds.
        12. Any Finance Committee member absent for three [3] consecutive meetings shall be immediately replaced by the concerned organization, otherwise no funds shall be released to the organization.
  • The Board of Trustees [BoT]

As previously stated, NAFSO has been registered in two different institutions. NAFSO has registered as a NGO at the NGO Secretariat under the Social Services act 1999 [Amended] and as a Trust at Trust Ordinance. Most of the administrative work has been carried out under the guidance of NGO Secretariat while Trust of NAFSO has been carried out as another committee.

    • The selection of the Board of Trustees has been made by the trust deed at the inception of the establishment of the organization.
    • No one shall be eligible to continue to the BoT unless s/he has the following qualifications:
    1. S/he is of legal age,
    2. S/he is a Sri Lankan citizen;
    3. S/he upholds the principles and objectives of NAFSO;
    4. d/ S/h officially and personally commits to devote time for NAFSO;
    5. S/he is pro-people and service-oriented;
    6. S/he has not been convicted of any administrative offense;
    7. S/he is regularly active in the activities of NAFSO especially in its campaigns and education programs;
    8. S/he has no conflict of interest with NAFSO and its partner organizations.

The incumbent National Convener as of this writing shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees as founding member of NAFSO.

    • The number of members of the Board of Trustees shall be five [5].
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    1. Ensure that it conducts its regular meeting and preparations are diligently done.
    2. Oversee the assets and liabilities on NAFSO in close coordination with National Convener, Accountant and Administrative Secretary.
    3. Provide guidance and assistance in sourcing organizational funds, whether local or foreign, and resource mobilization.
    4. Ensure the compliance of NAFSO with its financial and legal obligations.
    5. Ensure the diligent use of NAFSO’s capital and financial resources.
    6. Ensure that NAFSO diligently executes its strategic and annual budgets in an effective and efficient way.
    7. Support the tracking of the performance of Secretariat and field staff of NAFSO according to the Constitution and project commitments.
    8. Mediate external issues or concerns with external actors.
    9. Select a National Convener when the need arises.
    10. Actively participate in NAFSO’s major issue advocacy and education campaigns.
      • Removal and Resignation
    11. If in the course of the life of the Board, it was found out that a member has or had a conflict of interest with the objectives and programs of NAFSO and the movement, such member shall be removed and render a courtesy resignation.
    12. Members can further resign should they have difficulty in performing their responsibilities for reasons other than above, like sickness, migration, disability, or other justifiable reason and submit a resignation letter addressed to the BoT chairperson and the National Convener.
      • Conduct of BoT Meetings
    13. The quorum for the BoT meetings shall be 3/5. Participation of those absent may be maximized via Skype or any similar avenues, depending on the agenda and urgency of their real-time inputs or advice.
    14. The BoT meetings shall be conducted at least twice a year and shall be called for by the Chairperson with recommendation from the National Convener for the dates.
    15. Proceedings of the BoT meetings shall be properly documented and the Highlights of the Meeting shall be promptly prepared by the Admin Secretary, or the assigned recording secretary, and signed and approved by the Chairperson.
    16. The signed and approved Highlights of the Meeting shall be distributed to the BoT members within ten [10] working days from the meeting. The recording secretary shall be the caretaker of all BoT minutes of meetings and other documents and take charge of the distribution of the Highlights.
  • The Advisory Board

 The Advisory Board shall act as special consultants for technical, complicated, scientific, legal or other concerns needing their assistance and guidance. Preferably, they are practitioners and academicians respected and well-recognized and consistent advocate on people-centered development, sustainable fisheries, human rights, environmental management, behavioral science, social enterprise, and organizational management, and other areas of expertise that may arise in the future needing external guidance.

    • Initial advisory Board members can come from the founding members or former staff of NAFSO who are not in the BoT. Succeeding Advisory Board members may be nominated by the outgoing Advisory Board members, the SC, the Secretariat staff and the National Convener but the final selection shall be decided by the ManCom guided by an agreed criteria.
    • There shall be a maximum of 5 members of the Advisory Board. They and shall serve for a period of one year and for a maximum of 3 consecutive years.
    • 10.3 The members of the Advisory Board shall have no voting rights or powers in any structure [Except the BoD] or mechanism of NAFSO that they shall be invited to attend.
    • 10.4 Since the Advisory Board shall render honorary service to NAFSO, they shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for transportation, accommodation and food expense and necessary expenses for the execution of their service, if it is applicable. However, should they be identified as resource person for any activity which would require they take time off from their jobs, they shall be remunerated following funding NAFSO guidelines for contracting.
    • 10.5 The National Convener shall call for an annual meeting of the Advisory Board in a venue of their convenience and, at the same time, shall invite them in important meetings, activities and events of NAFSO.
    • Roles of the Advisory Board
    1. By way of writing officially or during invited discussions/meetings/events/activities:
    • Comment on NAFSO’s vision, mission, objectives and program strategies to make more relevant and effective
    • Provide frameworks for analysis of issues, conflicts or themes and for decision-making on such
    • Share new knowledge or global trends in fisheries and other programmatic and thematic concerns of NAFSO
    1. Serve as resource persons in NAFSO-organized activities
    2. Provide official letter or statement of recommendations or referrals for NAFSO on issues or organizational concerns needing such
      • A member of the Advisory Board can resign through sending a letter addressed to the National Convener.