
A very valuble message from NAFSO admin secretary

We are at the forum in Rome and there are more interventions and the opportunities to us as APWLD.

I display our banner for all protest, which we organized and the main hall at the CSO Terra Forum day before yesterday and I got chance to have meeting with Brazil agricultural minister and raise our voice to urge him not to grow hunger all over the world and not to promote bio fuel.

It’s difficult for me to say now what he will emphasize in the main forum. But he promised us that they’ll not try to promote bio fuel and hunger any further to in the world.
The Sri Lankan President and the Prime minister of India had strongly rejected the promotion of bio fuel at the moment therefore its big achievement for us too.
This is how the admin secretary of NAFSO Ms. Geetha Luckmini shared her real experience with us mean while she met some responsible authorities in the Terra Pretta forum in Rome.
Her last word was in her letter that” let us gather people together and unite for eradicating hunger from the world”

I am at the FAO forum now just having finished the press conference and hope this would also be a great opportunity to me and all of us to get together to raise our voice as small food producers after this press conference there were around 15 TV and Radio stations to take interviews from us.

Some journalists from Italy, Japan, Spain and USA TV channels meet me and got my point of views on this and I strongly emphasize main three points.

As small scale food producers,

– We need to have proper access to promote our lively hood with Land,Water and other food related issues.
– We need to have proper access of the market to sell our production without disturbance.
-Also need to have accesses to find enough capital or money to promote our productions.
After my final suggetion it Must be change to the explitative structure according to the need of poor and the marginalized people.

Without this change this forum also will be a useless one as past.
So my dear freinds, there are so many things to shere with you all afterwords.
We as terra CSO meeting will submite the political paper accodingly the three working group are as fallows.

1.Food crisis of the world.
2 Promotion and impact of bio fual.
3 Climet change and the food cricis.

We hope that we will be able to make them agreed for a globle pact to resolve this world burning issues as I have mentioned above on behalf of poor all over the world.
n addition to that we need to take this message amoung the people and should fight for our rights.

Geetha Luckmini
Admin Secretary(NAFSO)
From rome

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