NAFSO, Negombo, Sri Vimukthi Fisher Women Organization

Moving for a better social service through active women and activities

Sri Vimukthi Fisher Women organization is Gampaha District Partner organization of NAFSO and they have been working with Negombo coastal base small scale fisheing communities, specially with fisher women since 1999.
This fisher women Leadership training programme had been organized by them to foster knowledge of their members in the organization about this confused social system and change it with their strength for a sustainable fishery because our fisheries industry is being exploited day by day in this brutal globalization process.

At the beginning of the WS the National Coordinator for Women and Gender Sensitivity of NAFSO Ms. Rishmiya Bazeer and deputy coordinator of Sri vimukthi Women organization Mr. Winson Ferenando explained very clearly why they thought of conducting such a programme and what should be the key role of women in the future further added Rishmiya Bazzer.

Organization’s activist Ms. Lakshani warmly welcomed all participants as well as the National Training conductors in the NAFSO movement, The National convener of NAFSO Mr. Herman Kumara, well experienced PPD National Coordinator Mr. Jesudasan, PIADS coordinator Mr. Priyankara Costa and also Meepuara Editor Mr. Freddy Gamage attended to this programme as facilitators.

Some fisher women expressed their points of views

Name: Nirmala Kumarai.
“We are originally fishers”. Before adopting this organization no body was listen us to resolve our problems even such an organization to tell these stuffs. But now we have our NAFSO movement for gathering together as a human chain to raise our voice to drawing an attention from the responsible authorities in the country and NAFSO taught us the importance of community work.
Those days we were in a corner of our kitchens without knowing anything about the society and we had a shay an inability to talk even standing before some one but it’s very happy to say that now we have come together uniting with whole NAFSO movement to fight for our rights and against with any injustice power. I have no words to express about NAFSO because we got everything because of this organization.

The second session conducted by Freddy Gamage Editor of Meepura regional Newsaper- “Social background and our challenges in Negombo”

According to that some women leaders presented as their key issues in Negombo
1.Destructions of rich mangrove cultivation in the lagoon.

2.The tyrannical working process of the Negombo General Hospital is a very sever difficulty they are facing according to their experience.

3.Matter of filling the lagoon and the unemployment of fishers, are some burning issues to be resolved soon as they hope.

At first a health committee was presented to talk about health issue representing six women from Negombo and they decided to have a discussion with Mr. Freddy Gamage on 2008/03/18 for taking more details in this regards.

NFSO Convener has taken the responsibility of conducting third session of the WS – “What is women’s responsibility in this prevailing social condition as it is a politically sensitive issue”

According to the fact rose from this session women suggested to begin home gardens in each land to use them healthy foods growing for free. In addition to that these women further added that thy would like join any time with NAFSO to present on behalf of fisher’s right.

“What should be the way of Sri Vimukthi Women Organization” – Priyankara Costa carried out the fourth session of the WS with above mention theme.
Mainly he paved the way for participants to start a group discussion after explaining important facts regarding this issue.

According to the points taken from group discussion these key points were presented as future activities.

 Strengthening the membership and leadership of the organization.
– Canvassing in villages to aware of people.
– Mainly working giving priority for common issues.
– Awareness programs conducting in society level.
– Aware of fisheries and none fisher groups for gathering people around the organization.

 Strengthening economic back ground.
– Organic farming in each home gardens of members.
– Trainings for self employment (changing goods)

 Strengthening policy, lobbying and campaigning through an education process.
– Organizing an awareness programme on prevailing social, economic and political condition in the country as well taking in depth about the Negombo situation summoning all members.
– Educating youth groups on same burning issues.
– Education process for uneducated members in some villages on social back ground, globalization and political issues.

 A preparedness process for our campaign activities

 Distributing leaflets for strengthening the Fisher People’s Movement.

 Providing a new education for youth group.

Having discussed basic events of the workshop, these all points were drafted as final agreements in the WS and all participants agreed to accept these final agreements as three years work plan for Sri Vimukthi Women Organization.

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