Japan, Leadership Training Programme, NAFSO, Shamith Roshan

NAFSO nominated a representative for International Leadership Development course on People’s participation in Local Governance in Health in Japan

The Asian Health Institute (AHI) founded in 1980, is a Japnes None Governmental Voluntary Organization committed to supporting the well being and well- doing of the marginalized Asia. It has been working for human resource Development especially through participatory training programs offering opportunities for Asian community based health and development organization.

International Leadership Development course on People’s Participation in Local Governance in Health “ organized by AHI currently is being continued from 8th September to 11th October 2010 in Asian Health Institute (AHI) , Minamiyama, Nisshin,Aichi, Japan.

National Fisheries Solidarity Movement having a partnership with AHI invited for this training program. According to their invitation, National Peace & Development Coordinator of NAFSO Mr. Anthonie Jesudasan also has participated in this training to build up his skills any further on the issue of Health & Development. He has been appointed for the grogram as he is well experienced person related this issue of the organization.

By: Shamith Roshan

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