
No more women Violations.

Kaluthara District Fisheries Solidarity (KDFS) organized this Workshop as seasonable programme for educating women on their rights. After educating them regarding the main keep facts of women rights by NAFSO’s Women and Gender sensitivity coordinator Rishmiya Bazeer, we were able to share our experience with them. There were around 40 women group representing from various places in the Kaluthara district. Especially a large number of fisher women had participated at the WS and it conducted in the whole day at KDFS office in Beruwala.
The main objective of this programme is to enforce women for their rights as well as take them forward for fighting against the violence of women in the present situation in the world.
The police OIC of Kaluthara police station Mr. Shantha, Dr. Miss. Sajeewa form Beruwala General Hospital and beruwala health care officer Ms. Sumana also had come to attend on this occasion. They further mentioned that the importance of the women rights and how to work together with National level and such an organization like National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO) for defeating this unbalance social condition in the country.

We are working with women to fight for no more women violations.

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