food crisis, Food sovereignity, NAFSO, SAARC

People’s SAARC

The People’s SARC was held in Colombo with an attendance of more than 100 of participants and NGOs, INGO,s and civil societies form South Asian countries and thousands of activists from Sri Lanka.

Specially Free Media Movement, Farmers Organizations, Fisheries Organizations such as NAFSO and some other trade union leaders represented this seasonable programme.

This programme conducted at the Open Air Theater in Wihara Maha Devi Park Colombo it had been opened visiting for all.

In addition to that the Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR) had initiated another campaign on 19th July 2008 to sign a petition through out the country and they had convened thousands of people to New Town Hall Colombo to aware them regarding the campaign and Mr. Sarath Fernando further expressed the important of organizing such a programme and what kind of steps should be taken as people’s movement against food crisis, climate change, etc..

National Fisheries Solidarity Movement also actively joined with this programme with a 75 representatives (district animators, members) from various fishing villages (Galle, Mathara, Kaluthara, Hambantota, Puttalam, Negombo and inland fishing village Karuwalagaswewa) . A fishermen and the Leader of the Puttalam District Fisheries Solidarity Mr. Loyel Fernando gave a speech addressing all representatives what are the barriers in the fisheries sector.

Further he invited all to gather for joining with us to build a peoples Network nationally and internationally for searching alternatives for the up coming crisis.

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