
NAFSO, ESCR-Net and Blue Club conducted 6 day Social Media training for 25 group of Youth, activists at Orutota Chalet at Digana, aiming with launch social media activities in relation to Community Lead Research(CLR) campaign of NAFSO.

 #IYAFA2022, 25th commemoration of #Nafso and #Blue Justice campaigns are some of the aims to conduct through Poster preparation, video production, instagram and FB posts preparation are some key areas of our learning and targeted form Mobile Journalism network connecting with mojo team.

The Blue Club of Chennai in India, the team lead by Priyadarshani Palaniswami and Sunitha Kumaran Facilitated the whole period of training. The team expected in depth training and with the commitment of the implementation of the planned activities, this will be materialized in the future as committed.

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