Commemoration Of Slain Fisher Leadr Antany Fernando
Fishers, Farmers Unions, are getting ready to commemorate Slain Young Fisher leader On February 15th of 2012 while Participating a protest against over night increase of fuel price by ~50% of existed price.
There will be 4 demonstrations in 4 coastal districts of the country on 15th Feb 2014.
Jaffna in North, Pothuvil in East, Galle in South and Chilaw in West .

The Federated of National Fisheries Committee which includes the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement said the chain of protests will be conducted in several coastal districts in Sri Lanka.
Antony Fernando was shot dead during a protest in Chilaw demanding a reduction in fuel prices or concessions for fuel purchased by fishermen for their fishing boats.
Among the areas the Protests will be held are Chilaw, Jaffna and Ampara, the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement said. (Colombo Gazette)