NAFSO, tea estate

Listen to the estate workers.

People to People dialog on peace and Sustainable Development (PPD) network together with women unit of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO) organized sharing experience programme in the Nuwara Eli District for sharing experience with estate workers and people, who live in southern region on 11/ 06/2008

This programme was launched in very indigent area of Nuwara Eli called, Agarapathana with poor communities it’s main objective is to organize such a programme,

1.Developing fellowship among all nations.
2.Taking very practical experience to members of NAFSO regarding the estate workers, who are struggling to live from more than 200 years with many defects in the estates?
3.Make people enthuse to share the taken experience with all the members of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, Identifying the burning issues of estate workers and organize campaign for the rights of EW and gather people for peace and sustainable development process in the country.

Target groups
A group consists of 21 men and women representing from National Fisheries Solidarity Movement including farmers, and fishers.
Four animators and 17 members representing from Galle, Kaluthara and Mathara districts attended to the programme. In addition to that two members from NAFSO secretariat also gave their participation on that.

Especially FOLISEB Lanka organization helped us to organize this programme gathering people to participate in this great opportunity.

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