community work, NAFSO, new office permises of nafso, openning

The new office premises declared opened by Fisher Leaders.

The new office premises, which built by The National Fisheries Solidarity Movement for giving a great service for small scale fishers throughout the country declared opened having unveiled of souvenir plaque by authentic fishers (M M. Malani and John Cyril) on 31st January 2008 with an attendance of 150 participants representing from district partner organizations, some religious leaders also had present on the occasion.
Especially all the coordinator of the people’s movement of NAFSO gave their participation at this moment.
After lighting the oil lamp by selected group all participants were welcomed by the Admin secretary of NAFSO Geetha Luckmini and she didn’t forget to remind the unfamiliar experience that they faced to build this peoples movement in the past.
District coordinators, fisher women, journalists offered their worming wishes to this people’s movement to be a strong movement for the sake of all working classes and they further expressed that they would be with us forever as a human chain together for fighting against this greedy world and to defeat it.

Herman Kumara the National Convener of NAFSO also shared his past experience with the participant and invites all to join with us for better world.

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