Looking for the Future directions

NAFSO members attended a Program Planning Work Shop for coming 3 years
National Fisheries Solidarity Movement organized a 3 day WS on Program Planning for the coming 3 years. The leaders of National Fisher People’s Union, activists of the partner organizations, and leaders of the organizations attended the WS held at Chinthana Training Center at Nainamadama, Negombo.
There were 4 steps of the program planning process.
* Assessment of the past three years work as an individual organization as well as the whole movement.
– Identified the areas where we need to strengthen in our work as well as the areas we are strong but need further improvements.
– Identified the areas which we have not touch so far and need attention during the coming years.
– Analyze out come of the program by the participants of the whole process.
* Preparation of the Work Plan based on the program prepared by the individual partner organization.
* Validation with the Leaders of the National Fisher People’s Union.[NFPU]
* Finalization of the program with the NAFSO secretariat activists for budgeting and other work.
Mr. S.Ranasena, the chair person of NFPU, a representative of Galle regional Committee said “ This is very important process that NAFSO started. However, there is a necessity to have continuous dialogues among the leaders and the organizations for monitoring the whole process NAFSO involve.”
“The planning with the people is very important work. However, there should be more space for the fisher people to raise their concerns at every levels. We hope this program will be an instrumental to empower marginalized women in the sector.” Said Mrs. S. Sharmila, a representative of the NFPU, representing the Ampara regional committee
Mrs. Piyaseeli, of Ruhunu Deewara Diriya Organization enlighten the group with a poem, which reminded the whole team of the devastation of the December tsunami and the slow rehabilitation process in the country.
This is very successful experience for NAFSO partners, activists and also Fishers, fisher women and Youth who attended the program very actively.
Herman Kumara, the Convener of NAFSO, in his final address at the Work Shop said “ the out come is beyond the expectation as we were able to reach certain direction to empower fisher people based on the social justice and equity. We are pleased to see the involvement of our leaders. Hope the leaders will lead and stir us, during the implementation of the program.”
There were 70 participants[45 men and 35 women, including youth ]attended the WS. Hope, this will be a grate work to empower fisher people through NAFSO during the years to come.