National Staff Members Visited Ampara
NAFSO National office staff members visited Ampara, Pothuwil to discuss housing and land problems they have in detail. We noticed there large numbers of people were suffering from many difficulties under the emergency shelters yet without houses. Actually they people lived with many defects before the tsunami also. After the tsunami situation they become more helpless people. Some NGOS and other agencies had given some emergency shelters and temporary houses. Specially we discussed with the victims and Ampara NAFSO affiliated organization Ampara District Fisheries solidarity [DIFSO] 1. How to select the beneficiaries for housing and lands
2. How to build permanent houses for victims in detail
3. Mainly 6 members have come from India to build new boats for the affected fishermen and give training in Sri Lankan fishermen to continue this program further more at Ampara District.
We could arrange the place for Indian boat Builders to start the boat yard at Ampara and we discussed Boat production program for a long time with the fishing community. National convener Mr. Herman Kumara, Alternative Economic Policy Coordinator Mr. Pradeep Wanigasooriya, The relief coordinator Mr. Anton Priyantha jointed to this journey as special officers of NAFSO. They had for 5 days journey many affected areas in Ampara District.
2. How to build permanent houses for victims in detail
3. Mainly 6 members have come from India to build new boats for the affected fishermen and give training in Sri Lankan fishermen to continue this program further more at Ampara District.
We could arrange the place for Indian boat Builders to start the boat yard at Ampara and we discussed Boat production program for a long time with the fishing community. National convener Mr. Herman Kumara, Alternative Economic Policy Coordinator Mr. Pradeep Wanigasooriya, The relief coordinator Mr. Anton Priyantha jointed to this journey as special officers of NAFSO. They had for 5 days journey many affected areas in Ampara District.