
Whither the Displaced Communities in the East Coast…

She stood in the door frame of her temporary home in Sinna Palamunai, in the East coast of Sri Lanka, tiny little woman with long, slightly grey hair pulled back in a ponytail, covered with the saree. In her hand she held a small piece of paper. She showed it to everyone who passed. There was no way I could understand what she said in Tamil but as I looked at the papers, I found this is some thing related to her land and she is thoroughly depressed due to the situation of the displacement. I understood the tone. It was one of absolute grief.
Her name is Missakeen Bhava Fareena, a Muslim woman who displaced due to the Oluwil Harbour construction project narrated her story in Tamil and her story was slowly revealed through a translator.
“We have been living here for decades and we our selves developed this barren land with our sweat and flesh. Now, we need to leave the place and no body cares about our situation. We were forced to vacate the area and there is no any alternative. The hardest part of the story is there is no any compensation for us too.
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