
Press conference for disappeared fishers in the sea

The ORGANIZATION FOR THE FAMILIES OF DISAPPEARED FISHERMEN Organized a press conference today at Samavihara Temple Mathara inviting all printed and electronic media stations to cover this special event on behalf of fishers, who disappeared in the sea and this media conference conducted by attended media team as they need to know the objective of organizing such a press conference at this moment form 1.30 am to 1. pm.
The president of ORGANIZATION FOR THE FAMILIES OF DISAPPEARED FISHERMEN S. M. Keerthipala explained the needs of the publicity for these fisher families and fisher women, who lost their sons and husbands when they were fishing in the sea and further he expressed that media should be able to reveal the reality of fisher families for drawing an attention from responsible authorities in the government telling the objective of this MC.
In addition to that thy hope to receive even some compensation for the disappeared fishers as well as no body is there to enthuse for giving their dead certificate of relevant disappears therefore they accused to the government on that. If they have their dead certificate they would have to claim for compensation from the authorities some of fisher women express in the conference and she needed to expose this issue also in front of the media.
In the mean time of this conference 16 set of books were offered for selected sixteen children of poor fisher families by the coordinator of Mathara Southern Fisheries Organization Mr. L.Y. Wasantha and some other fisher leaders present at the moment.
National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO) sponsored for this social service as an organization for helping people in deed.

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