
Counseling Training porgramme

NAFSO PPD National Coordinator Mr. Anthony Jesudasan had organized this programe for two days from 1 to 2 of April at “CHINTHANA” Training center in Ninamadama. He has been conducting series of programs after the tsunami disaster especially among the affected people in South, North and eastern regions; there were about 30 participants from various districts representing other partner organizations work with us. As International Facilitators Dr.Jhone & Mrs. Kelly participated representing International Trauma Treatment programme (ITTP) from America. Apart from that all the participants could share the various type of past experience with the help of their fields and to discuss how to launch this forward by evolving people, especially with confused mind of children. The participated Animators were trained to identify people to train them to control very easily. Finally all of they agreed to conduct another series of programs among the people with confused minds.

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