
Buildup a women’s coalition in east…

Under the Women & Gender Development section of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, (NAFSO) the women training programme was held at Laasa In Baticaloa last 30th September 2009.

NAFSO Alternative Economic Development (AED) Coordinator, Women & Gender Development coordinator and the coordinator of People to people dialog on peace and Sustainable Development (PPD) also attended to the programme.

“Around 30 participants we came today for attending this programme and we listened them very carefully what they were expressing in the programme. Actually this was very helpful for us as we realized women should come forward defeating this darkness in the society. The coordinators who came from NAFSO told us that how can we join with them to work as a coalition for specially fight our rights. We would like to work with you if you help us and guide us to build our women’s coalition.” Sashiharan a women from Batticoala.

Before end of the programme the facilitators of NAFSO had described the process of we work and the way we are doing these programme in the district wise helping people who are joining with us as a people’s movement.

The main problems they are still having are water, difficulty of taking daily foods and also happening bribery and corruptions which are being caused in officially.

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