
Please Heed for this Plea !

Kokilai is some what an island situated in the Nothern part of the country of Sri Lanka. Before tsunami this island belonged to the Mulathiev district but due to various circumstances it is now under the authority of the Tricomalee district. But is pathetic to say, that the people in this island are not cared by anyone. Kokilai is naturally covered by the lagoon as well as the sea. On the 26th December the powerful waves of tsunami got hit to this island. Due to tsunami they are undergoing in various difficulties and hardships. Their lagoon is not like the one which had before tsunami. The lagoon is now full of trees & with the debris of the tsunami. This situation has created an external barrier in sailing across the lagoon and to continue the fishing.
Another serious difficulty that they are facing is that the lack of fish. Before tsunami they were able to catch about twenty lacks of fish for this season (may-July), but after the tsunami the figures seems to be decreasing day by day. Even though the first two months after the disaster showed positive figures, now fish are lacking day by day. That shoes a dad sign in their employment. No sooner will they face a bid problem in economically. Therefore what can we do on behalf of these people? Who is going to support to restore their livelihood????? Therefore on behalf on these poor people we do sincerely make this earnest request , please join with us in supporting these people. If you are willing to support,

Please contact us right now.

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