environment, NAFSO, office, openning

The NAFSO new office premises will be declared opened by fisher leaders Ms. M. M. Malani & Mr. John Cyril

The opening of new office building will be held in auspices time on 31st January 2008 with and attendance of 100 participants including of fisher leaders, district coordinators, and some of members of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement also will be joined on this occasion offering their warming wishers to whole movement to make it a successful fisher people’s movement in the World.

The National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, which began with a small staff, a tiny office place and a little partnership, has become today a world famous Fisher People’s Movement in Sri Lanka having a membership and electing the NAFSO convener as Secretary General of World Forum of Fisher Peoples’ (WFFP) and once NAFSO was awarded by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) also.

In the present situation we have been expended almost in island wide consisting of more than 12000 direct membership and 13 partner organizations in the country by launching of community based activities (Advocacy Policy and Lobbying, Youth programme, Alternative Economic Development, People to People dialogue on Peace & Sustainable Development- PPD, Women and Gender Sensitivity Programme, Media and Research are the some of them) specially to empower and strengthen as a united and sustainable Fisher people’s Movement through a sustainable fisheries policy.

We are fighting as human chain farmers, fishers, estate workers, labours and together with all the working classes to defeat this exploiting of globalization process and searching alternatives to move for a better world.

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