
The second round of education, awareness raising, analysis of planning of the Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) program

 The second round of education, awareness raising, analysis of planning of the Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) program held at Mannar today, (20 February) at Fisheries coop union office with Displaced persons and Women Headed Households from 3 villages in Mannar district.

Benedict Croos, the Coordinator of Mannar DIFSO while welcoming and setting objectives expressed his deep appreciation to the group of women as their participation and commitment to the process irrespective of the hardships caused due to the issues of security, resettlement and livelihood.
It is well understand the hardships of WHHs due to cost of living, food soaring prices of the country, inflation, together with loss of the coast, land for living and specific health needs for women other than any other social and economic hardships. Priyantha,
Anusan Pri the women activist at Mannar explained the steps of the program and set the conducive environment to openly narrate their difficulties and issues they faced as women in the area.
Suba Shini Deepa, the young researcher of the program, Chitra Dharmalingam, the Mentor of the program and Thadsa Thavachselvam, the Field Coordinator of IDEA program played collective leadership role and facilitation to conduct the program and collected information, analyze them and search possible solutions in a FGD using with the tool of Web Analysis, social mapping, case studies, Participatory interviewing and story telling exercises.
The leaders of the women’s group expressed their desire to work as a group of WHH to address their issues of security, resettlement and livelihoods as a strong body of representation of the Northern Province.
Subashinie expressed the commitment of NAFSO towards the contribution to overcome food insecurity and food soaring prices through introducing the concept and practice of Self Sufficient Small Scale Food Production Units(SSSSFPU) among the participants of FPAR program. The next steps of series of programs will be held in Jaffna through Jaffna Dycc and Mulaitivu through Mullai Difso coming week.

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