
WFFP Members Visited to Kaluthara

The media coordinator of the NAFSO Mr. Samih Roshan visited to Kaluthara with two foreigners from England they were delegation of World Forum of Fisher People [WFFP] 21st of June to visit some Refugee camps in Kaluthara District and inquired the living condition in the emergency shelters. While we were observing some camps majority of victims expressed with us that they would not like to be in refugee camps furthermore. Apart from that we could meet the coordinator there In Kaluthara District Fisheries Solidarity [KDFS] Mr. Wimal Sushantha to discuss theirs activities on post of tsunami. At the time we spent with them we visited to many affected places in Kaluthara. People are suffering from many difficulties in camps an also in temporary houses. KDFS coordinator and there all stuff members are playing a special role for victims and poor people. The very hot program of them is to be built 45-50 permanent houses for affected people now they have bought to the range of 6.5 acres land but the problem is KDFS don’t have enough money to build all houses they hope to Joint with some donate person or an organization to build these houses. And the other program is to give some small amount of loan for the victims build up their lives. That organization appears as none profitable and the campaign team having a network with other affiliated NGOS.

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