
Youth & Leadership Training Program of DIFSO

Youth & Leadership Training Program of DIFSO Ampara Diatrict Fisheries Solidarity (DIFSO) had organized this program among the youths with the help of youth and environmental coordinator of NASFO Mr. Luksiri Fernando from 12 to 13 at the small fisher forum’s center in Pothuwil. Ampara is situated in the eastern province in Sri Lanka it can be introduced as a badly affected tsunami area. Not only had that in the past few days there occurred unbearable people’s killing
By LTTE and other forces as well as they normally facing bomb blasting, shooting and also other terrorist attacks. Even in this condition DIFSO had organized this program with the guidance of the District coordinator Mr. Abdul Jabar to get youths forwards for the social justice and give them hand to change this miserable world with the theme “Another World is possible”. By this time NAFSO is building youth movement in all the working district including especially north and east to crate a National Youth Movement with sound minds.
Mr. Anthony Jesudasan also was there as a Facilitator with the number of NAFSO secretariats. after this program they had field visit to identify the various types of mangroves in the lagoon.There was a cultural night with lots of cultural activities. We are thank full to the coordinator of DIFSO for organizing this program even in this severe situation as well as our youth and environmental coordinator and for the all participants in the program.

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