community work

Women Leadership Programme.

From the series of Women leadership training programmes of NAFSO women unit, a WLTP was conducted in Ampara district from 23rd September to 24th 2008.

This programme had been organized by Ampara District fisheries Solidarity (DIFSO), which works as a partner organization in the District to aware the community based women.

According to the Women programme coordinator of NAFSO Ms. Rishmiya Bazeer this was a very successful training programme because the women who participated to the programme had come with their husbands and some other men who are working with them very closely.
There 65 participants attended to the programme both men and women representing these villages and various places from Kalmunai, Pothuwil, Nindavoor, Oluwil Meenodaikattu, Attalachchainai and Marandamunai.

In this programme they were trained about Leadership qualities, their responsibilities, Planning, and how to develop their economy in each families.

“This programme is a very successful one and we learned an important facts such as leadership qualities and how to work as a community to use our rural and natural resources in sustainability” Jaleel a Fishermen who attended to the programme.

As future activities they had identified at the end of the programme.

Organic farming trainings
Awareness programme for fishermen regarding their rights.
Programme of rendering free service
Leadership Trainings
Some practical activities for peace
Way of living and income generation activities

Mr. Herman Kumara The national convener of NAFSO and Rishmiya Bazeer coordinator of Gender were facilitators of the programme.

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